Bioscience & Health Care
The University advances innovation in bioscience and health care delivery by supporting research and sustained growth for startups and bioscience initiatives. Partnerships with powerful industry leaders like INOVA create impact throughout the state and beyond.
UVA's Center for Applied Biomechanics is taking a leadership role in analyzing populations with heightened vulnerability to traffic-related injury or death, specifically women and obese passengers. Increased understanding of injury tolerance and prediction will allow automotive manufacturers, policymakers, and researchers to make vehicles safer for the entire population.
A new UVA Cancer Center Without Walls initiative will empower Southwest Virginia residents to lead projects to better detect and prevent cancer in the region. The initiative grew out of a community advisory board formed in 2013 and will address cancer disparities in the Appalachian counties of Southwest Virginia.
NSF funding will allow UVA Engineering’s Link Lab to develop a new program that will train graduate students to make discoveries and then translate that knowledge into new technologies, products and services. The program will help train the next generation of scientific leaders to develop the skills necessary to tackle complex societal problems.
Professor Gregory B. Fairchild is the first director of Northern Virginia operations for the University of Virginia. He will oversee programs and facilities currently offered by Darden, the McIntire School of Commerce, and the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, among others. His appointment is indicative of UVA's growing presence in the Washington region.
An app designed by researchers at the University of Virginia is proving that 'warm technology' - personalized and personal - can have an impact on patient engagement and care management. A second iteration of the app will engage healthcare providers, further refining a concept that will positively impact patients throughout Virginia and beyond.
UVA launched a first-of-its-kind study using telemedicine to detect bladder cancer in underserved parts of the state. A UVA urologist provides analysis and diagnosis through the virtual platform, expanding access to care in an area where increased screening and services could improve early detection and treatment outcomes.
The Federal Communications Commission unanimously approved a $100 million program designed to support telehealth and telemedicine programs for underserved populations in rural areas. UVA's co-founder and director of Telehealth Karen Rheuban supported the proposal, envisioning UVA as a strong partner in the effort and testifying to the urgency for support in Southwest Virginia.
UVA Telehealth has a partnership with the Health Wagon, a nonprofit providing mobile health services to the medically underserved in Southwest Virginia. Together, we provide state of the art telemedicine capabilities and connect patients to specialists in Charlottesville.
Plans are underway to create ease of connection between UVA's Research Park, CHO, and the Hollymead Town Center to benefit Virginia visitors and businesses. A new vision for the park enhances efforts to draw people together for smoother business collaborations.
The University has approved an academic affiliation with INOVA Health System and George Mason University. The public-private partnership will leverage research and precision medicine efforts and open the door for a future expanded UVA presence in Northern Virginia.
The CvilleBioHub invites the biotechnology community to a reception with next generation scientists enrolled in UVA's Biotechnology Training Program. The event will connect UVA researchers and students with biotech companies to enhance collaboration, communication, and recruitment as the region builds out its biotechnology sector.
The Cville Bio Hub partnered with UVA and the City of Charlottesville to secure an $80,000 grant from GO Virginia to promote the growth of the biotechnology industry in the region. A kick-off event with UVA, GO Virginia, the Cville Bio Hub, and Virginia Bio discussed this new initiative and how it will help advance progress in our community.